Dear God,
I pray with all my heart, that our loved ones who are in prison are not
forgotten. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask that you please touch the
heart of every person who reads this, and give them the vision that You
have given me, the vision of seeing these inmates flooded with cards &
letters every single day, and flooded with the funds they desperately need,
simply to survive as humanely as they deserve. I pray that other inmates
will see the love bestowed upon the inmates here on our list, and I pray
this to be a true wittness of the Love that Jesus Christ commanded us to
have one to another. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray protection for these
inmates. Father in Heaven, I pray that You give these inmates strength to
endure each & everyday and to give them encouragement through the cards
and letters they receive. I pray You Bless them abundantly, with funds to
purchase the neccessities that we take for granted each & everyday.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask that you send The Holy Spirit to soften
hearts, and convict all who read this prayer Dear Lord. I pray You Bless
this ministry in all we say and do, and I pray this ministry Blesses You
Dear Lord. I give You the Praise, Honor, Worship, & Glory. Amen
Current list of all female inmates in Kansas
Click Here
Current list of all female inmates in Kentucky
Click Here
Current list of all female inmates in Oklahoma
Click Here
Current list of male inmates
updated July 10, 2007

- Andrew Neely-Otts - 1360922
Holliday Unit #B4-30 295 1H-45 North Huntsville, TX 77320-8443
A Request from Andrew's Mother 5-25-06
My son is new to the prison system, and is very very depressed. There
are limited church or religious services, so could you please send him
some type of Bible study materials? He has just accepted Jesus into his
life and I want him to remain positive with his new found faith.

- Bradley H. Smith - GL8667
SRCF Mercer 801
Butler Pike Mercer, PA 16137
A Personal Request from Bradley dated June 27, 2006
Click Here
to read the hand written letter from Bradley

- Dennis Sanders - 19392-179
Do not send funds to this address; for more information go to the Inmate Money page. Use this address when
sending correspondence and parcels to inmates confined at this
P. O. BOX 26030
A Request from Brenda 5-30-06
here is the scoop: Dennis wrote me out of the blue, looking;
for penpals, resources, anything. He is an orphan and has been
incarcerated 10 yrs, I believe [I can't remember exactly]and has
not had ONE VISIT! He is located at the fed facility in
Marion, IL. I am trying to get someone to go see him. I
cannot go because it is over 6 hrs away and I am a female. Anyway, if
any of you know of anyone in that area that could go see him, I would
be so grateful. As I mentioned above, if you could write to him as
well, that would be super.
Please let me know if you can help.
Thank you and God bless you!
Prisoner Support Network Ministry
Kentucky State Penitentiary
P.O. Box 5128
Eddyville, Kentucky 42038 Conviction Information
Life without parole
Initial letter to me from Shawn
Click on page to see original hand written letter
Rules for sending anything to this
- Letters, No staples, tape, paper clips,
stamps, nothing, just the letter or card.
- When Sending Money
- He can receive only 5 money
orders per month and this money order must be
by itself and say Inmate Accounts on the envelope. Money Orders should be made out to inmate's name PLUS his inmate
number 159478.
- Money Orders MUST be purchased from the U.S. Postal Service. Any money orders not purchased from the U.S. Postal Service will be returned back to you by the prison.
- No packages can be sent.
- Pictures - Only 3 non polaroids at a time.
- You can also send books via Christian Books Distributors and Soft back only.
- The prison does not allow you to send books
directly. They Must be ordered and shipped directly from approved bookstores.
- Different rules apply for different prisons
EKCC 200 Road to Justice West Liberty, Kentucky 41472
Rules for sending anything to this
- Letters, No staples, tape, paper clips,
stamps, nothing, just the letter or card.
- When Sending Money
- He can receive only 5 money
orders per month and this money order must be
by itself and say Inmate Accounts on the envelope. Money Orders should be made out to inmate's name PLUS his inmate
number 142341.
- Money Orders MUST be purchased from the U.S. Postal Service. Any money orders not purchased from the U.S. Postal Service will be returned back to you by the prison.
- No packages can be sent.
- Pictures - Only 3 non polaroids at a time.
- You can also send books via Christian Books Distributors and Soft back only.
- The prison does not allow you to send books
directly. They Must be ordered and shipped directly from approved bookstores.
- Different rules apply for different prisons
Kentucky State Penitentiary
P.O. Box 5128
Eddyville, Kentucky 42038
Rules for sending anything to this
- Letters, No staples, tape, paper clips,
stamps, nothing, just the letter or card.
- When Sending Money
- He can receive only 5 money
orders per month and this money order must be
by itself and say Inmate Accounts on the envelope. Money Orders should be made out to inmate's name PLUS his inmate
number 145877.
- Money Orders MUST be purchased from the U.S. Postal Service. Any money orders not purchased from the U.S. Postal Service will be returned back to you by the prison.
- No packages can be sent.
- Pictures - Only 3 non polaroids at a time.
- You can also send books via Christian Books Distributors and Soft back only.
- The prison does not allow you to send books
directly. They Must be ordered and shipped directly from approved bookstores.
- Different rules apply for different prisons

Read Replies
from Chad
Coming Soon
Kentucky State Penitentiary
P.O. Box 5128
Eddyville, Kentucky 42038
Rules for sending anything to this
- Letters, No staples, tape, paper clips,
stamps, nothing, just the letter or card.
- When Sending Money
- He can receive only 5 money
orders per month and this money order must be
by itself and say Inmate Accounts on the envelope. Money Orders should be made out to inmate's name PLUS his inmate
number 146371.
- Money Orders MUST be purchased from the U.S. Postal Service. Any money orders not purchased from the U.S. Postal Service will be returned back to you by the prison.
- No packages can be sent.
- Pictures - Only 3 non polaroids at a time.
- You can also send books via Christian Books Distributors and Soft back only.
- The prison does not allow you to send books
directly. They Must be ordered and shipped directly from approved bookstores.
- Different rules apply for different prisons

Read Replies
from Mitchell
Coming Soon
Received from Mitchell 9-02-05
know you don't know me, I'm an inmate at the Kentucky State
Penitentiary & I got your name & address from the guy in the
cell next to me. Him & I were talking & he said something about
you have a web site for christian folks or something or another. I'm
really not sure about the details but I was hoping maybe I could find a
good strong christian to talk to, even if it's yourself.
I'm in the hole & I probably will be for a
couple years, I've made a pretty good mess of my life so far & I'm
trying but it's not easy. I've got a lot of questions & I'm seeking
advice but I really don't know where to turn. I know to turn to God
& Jesus, I know the bible practically word for word, I gave my life
to God at the age of 15 I believe (I'm 23 now) but I've yet been able
to renew my mind. I've lived my life on my terms not on Gods, I allways end up in the same spot, sitting in a cell.
The Devil has litteraly drove me crazy, more
than once I've found myself in a mental ward. I could go on & on
but I'm sure you're a busy man. I really would like a good strong christian to talk to or yourself if you have time.
I thank you for your time & may God bless you.
- James D. Fuller - 1173539
Calhoun State Prison
P.O. Box 249
Morgan, Ga. 39866
Received from James 5-10-06
5-7-06 Hello Love Outreach Ministry,
I am writing to
be placed on the list for a pen pal. I am a Christian who would love to
correspond with another Christian. My name is James D. Fuller. I will
appreciate anything ya can do.
God Bless,
James D. Fuller
Calhoun State Prison
P.O. Box 249
Morgan, Ga. 39866

50 Overlook Drive
LaBelle, Pennsylvania 15450-1050
A Request to be added 7-7-06

- Brady Kyle Herod #01183625
Coffield Unit, P6-2B-97
Rt. 1 Box 150
Tennessee Colony, TX 75884-0001
A Request to be added 7-7-06
36 years old - A Christian and very lonely

Kentucky State Penitentiary
P.O. Box 5128
Eddyville, Kentucky 42038
A Request to be added 7-2-06

Luther Luckett Correctional Complex
P.O. Box 6
LaGrange, Kentucky 40031
A Request to be added 7-2-06

Western Kentucky Correctional Complex
374 New Bethel Church Road
Fredonia, KY 42411
A Request to be added 7-2-06

- William C. Robinson II - 172379
Kentucky State Reformatory
3001 West Highway 146
LaGrange, Kentucky 40031
A Request from Deborah D. Robinson 6-30-06
EKCC Prison,
West Liberty, Kentucky
Click on image to enlarge
EKCC Web Site