In The Beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth..
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
I Believe that telling people about GMOs in today's world is the single most important thing we can possibly do, next to sharing Jesus Christ with them
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Welcome to My "Add-An-Inmate" Guestbook
This is a Gateway page that I needed to create, in order to prevent unwanted entries into my guestbooks by folks using bots to post advertising links.
To view this Guestbook & Add an Inmate,
you simply need to click the Link below and supply the following User Name & Password
User Name: guest Password: guest
Click Here to Add an Inmate
OR to View Entries
and then To Add an Inmate simply click Sign Guestbook
Please tell folks a little about the inmates that you are adding. Be consistant with your Name and/or Email address when adding each inmate The search feature is active, and entries can be easily searched using the Poster's Name or Email Address Please Spell out the State in the inmate's address (Do NOT Abbreviate) This will enabled someone to simply do a Search by State in the Text Box Please include the inmate's full mailing address and Please tell folks how to contact you for more information or link back to your site
A few rules before adding an inmate:
- If you own or operate a Pen Pal web site that charges a fee to either an inmate, or a person seeking to write to an inmate, do NOT post on this site.
- Any posts that I find, linking back to a fee-based web site, will be removed.
- Any posts that do not include a complete mailing address for the offender will be removed.
Tips on Posting
This site is searchable from within the inmate guestbook Please Spell Out the State where the offender is located (Do NOT Abbreviate) in case someone does a text search for an offender in a particular state
All inmates on my website or linked from here can be written to for FREE There is NO charge to you or the inmates
Before writing to an inmate:
PLEASE contact the poster by adding a comment on the inmate's ad and ask if the inmate is still incarcerated and ask them if the mailing information is still up to date.
Often times, folks neglect to contact me with updated information and they just leave their inmate hanging there on the web site.
Also, Try using this web site >> Prison Inmate Locator to locate the inmate that you are interested in writing to. If the inmate is found, you can easily view their current status and see what facility they are currently at. Taking the time to verify that this information matches the information on AD, can save you a lot of wasted time in the long run.
Please also Read This
May The Lord Bless You and May You Bless Him Too!
Other Great Websites to place Free Ads for your inmates and/or find an inmate to write to are  

Inmates need a friend, they are just people like me and you but ones who have made an error in life and now want to change their path and find a better future for themselves. We have listed several people on the following pages that are looking to make new friends and meet people to learn and explore life through. We do ask you to remember that with all new friends it takes time to get to know each other and though we try to vouch for all those we post here, there are times when we can not control the outcome of a friendship. Take all precautions when you bring a new person into your life, just as you would do in regards to friends you meet in real time as well. YOU MUST BE 18 to write to an inmate and by disobeying this rule you can also get the inmate in trouble as well. Many people choose to use a PO Box to write new friends and a return address is needed for all correspondence or else the prison will not allow the mail in. Please do not send in stamps, stationary, or homemade cards with glitter or glue as these are not allowed as well as magazines as they are only permitted from the companies. Once you get to know someone you can ask them the restrictions placed. Please take a moment to consider making a new friend who does just want to start fresh and can offer you a sincere friendship. |
This is a Guest Book specificallydesigned to "Add An Inmate" for a Pen Pal. Feel Free to add someone whoneeds a loving Pen Pal. Christian, Pen Pals, Prisoners, Free Pen Pals, write to an inmate, God,letter to an inmate, letters to inmates, write to a prisoner, write to prisoners, love, Christian penpals, Pen Pals Christian, penpalsfor prisoners, write to an inmate, find an inmate, find a prisioner,pen pal groups, penpal groups, pen-pal groups, pen pal group, penpalgroup, pen-pal group, women in waiting, photos of inmates, photos ofprisoners, death row inmates, death row prisoners, serving the Lord,serving God, department of corrections, DOC, kentucky, kansas,oklahoma, georgia, find a female inmate to write to, find femalesinmate to write to, find a male inmate to write to, find a femaleprisoner to write to, findfemale prisoners to write to, Cincinnati ohio, pen pal letters, penpalletters, pen pals with photos, penpals with photos, prison pen pals,prison penpals, pen pals, prisoners, inmates, death row, personal ads,friendship, letters, mail, correctional facilities, statistics,incarcerated, penitentiaries, correspondence, seeking, photos, snailmail, county jails, human rights, romance, singles, federal,rehabilitation, recidivism, solitary confinement, institutions,writeaprisoner, Prison pen pals seeking mail. Inmates' personal ads,legal ads, photos & addresses. Men & women behind barsseeking letters. Write a prisoner today |