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On this site you will find cases of people who have been murdered in prisons all across America. In all cases the prison staff are the murderers, either through direct criminal acts, medical neglect, or by failing to provide adequate security to prevent prisoners from being murdered by other prisoners. That's why they ALWAYS do their best to cover up what REALLY happened to a murdered prisoner. America's prisons are guilty of hiring sadistic, brutish and racist monsters, then giving them free rein to torture and murder prisoners. They encourage racial disharmony and distrust, prisoner-against-prisoner assault, rape and murder, when they're too cowardly do it themselves. No matter how nice and normal a prison guard or prison administrator may appear to be, EVERYONE who works inside a prison for years has something drastically wrong with the inside of their heads, and big holes in their souls. I make this blanket condemnation of them because even the "good guards", who do not actively participate in harassment, torture and murder of prisoners WITNESS these things and do nothing, so they are also guilty. If they do speak out, they find themselves outcasts among their co-workers. They suddenly find they have no one to "watch their back", or assist them if they get into an altercation with a prisoner. Their tires are slashed; their families are threatened, and they are usually fired shortly after reporting abuse of prisoners. So, they turn a blind eye. The TRULY decent guards wind up quitting their jobs rather than give up a piece of their souls every day in order to support their families, leaving the helpless prisoners at the mercy of the evil and "the blind". This site is a indictment of a system which is in desperate need of immediate and drastic reform. I receive a lot of annonymous messages without return e-mail addresses in the Guest Book of this site. They're mostly from prison guards (who want to be called "Corrections Officers" even though they correct NOTHING). These guards try to take me to task as an uninformed, bleeding heart who's just mad at the system because of what it did to my brother and family, so I guess I should have told this sooner: my work background includes 6 years as a store detective in downtown Kansas City, MO; 3 years as a US Army Reserve MP Stockade Counselor; and a year at McNeil Island, when it was a federal penitentiary. I quit "corrections" work BECAUSE of the characters of my co-workers, the outrages I witnessed them indulge in, and my fear of becoming like them unless I got out, and quickly. I did, on the very day I realized the potential danger to my immortal soul. On the day I left McNeil Island for the last time, I thought I knew what prisons were about. I thought I knew how horrible prisons were and how monstrous the people who work inside them are, but I didn't have a CLUE until I tried to deal with them during the most agonizing crisis my family has ever endured. I was astounded and appalled at the degree of disrespect and the sadistic emotional torture to which my honorable family was subjected, as we were forced to beg frantically, helplessly, and ultimately in vain for help and mercy, as they slowly tortured my brother to death through medical neglect and physical abuse. My work on this site, and my close contact with many of the families of the people whose stories are on this site have served to make me realize that the situation is the same all over America - prisoners die "mysteriously", "commit suicide", or are openly and deliberately medically neglected to death every day in American prisons. Families can seldom get to the bottom of what happened to their loved ones. Treating with disdain and disrespect desperate people who are trying to get medical care for a dying loved one, or trying to find out the details of the mysterious death or "suicide" of a loved one, are standard operating procedures for prison administrators all across America. Disdain, disrespect, lies, cowardice, sadism and cruelty are the primary tools of their trade. So, if you work in a prison and are thinking of "setting me straight" be forewarned that you're dealing with someone who KNOWS you and your system from BOTH sides. If you are too cowardly to leave your e-mail address, save yourself the time to leave a message in this guest book, as it will NOT be posted. Only I will see it, and I will only read enough to see that you're someone ignorant or cruel enough to willingly spend 1/3 of most of your days in prisons for the purpose of tormenting others, while sucking at the public teat, before deleting it. If you leave an e-mail address, I'm open to a discourse and look forward to setting YOU straight. But if you're too cowardly to be known, keep your thoughts to yourself, as I am not interested in the babble of cowards. I invite everyone to click the links on the Site Menu to meet people who were sent to prison to pay a debt to society, and were returned to their families in coffins, due to the failure of America's Correctional System. Read their stories and learn of the atrocities YOUR tax dollars are paying to support. I hope this site inspires you to join forces with the organizations that are working to reform America's prisons and force America's prisons to respect the basic human rights of prisoners and their loved ones. Above all, if these accounts of torture and murder perpetrated by civil servants enrage you as much as they do me, please use the links provided on each page to contact the governor of the state in which that murder occurred or the President of the United States, and let THEM know how you feel. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Please help stop PRISON MURDER!
Jesus Christ, a political prisoner was beaten and verbally abused by His guards, both before and after His trial. Upon conviction, the guards placed a
thorn of crowns on His head and a sign around His neck which read, "King
of the Jews". While being beaten with a whip, He was then forced to carry
a heavy wooden cross on his back to the town's garbage dump where He was
nailed onto the cross until He died.
Kelly Duda and Concrete Films have produced a documentary which details the corruption and greed that led the Arkansas Department of Correction to spread death from Arkansas prisons to the entire world. Hear the story from the mouths of those responsible for the harvesting of infected human blood plasma, and its sale to be made into medicines.
Duda's award-winning film unflinchingly documents the whole story the U.S. government and the state of Arkansas have tried to keep hidden from the world.
Click the photo of Kelly Duda at work to order your own copy of
Click the photo of Kelly Duda at work to visit the
Please help spread the word about this important film,
If you have lost someone in jail or prison,or if you know of someone who has died behind bars, their name belongs on this site. There is no charge of any sort to have an article or even a whole page created on this site. Simply contact me at the email link. Linda Tant Miller